
Dog School Program

The Dog School Program is our flagship program. 
This takes a lot of time and effort off of your plate.
But the best part..... You don't have to spend weeks away from your beloved pup!

This program gives us, the trainers, the ability to focus on your dog each school day and making sure they are understanding what we need from them. 

We only take a few dogs per trainer each month to make sure we can give them the quality training and attention they need. 

Your dog will learn how to have good manners and how to respond to commands on and off leash. 

What will we work on? Here's a list:

Place: go to your dog bed and relax
Down: Lay down, chest and butt all the way down
Come: Come be next to me
Sit: Butt on the ground, chest up high
Heel: Walk next to me
Off: Knock it off. Used for when we want the dog to stop a behavior

With these commands, plus a couple other resources, we will:

Build Trust with your Dog
Come When Called
Listen to you in Public
Go to their Bed when told
Walk Next to You
Comfortable in a Crate
Create Boundaries in the Home
Wait at the Doors
Calm Anxiety
Learn Impulse Control

Stop Running Away
Stop Jumping Up
Stop Biting and Nipping
Stop Chasing Animals
Stop Chewing
Stop Digging
Stop Barking
Stop Yanking on the Leash

Beside all the stuff they'll learn above, how does this program work exactly??

- 12 days of training. 4 days per week for 3 weeks ($2,375 Value)

- We Pick up in the morning and Drop off to you in the evening ($275 Value)

- Custom Videos of our Training sessions each day ($675 Value)

- Weekly Small Group Sessions for you to learn hands on ($225 Value)

- Training Tools ($269 Value)

- A Training Logbook ($29 Value)

- Mandatory Peace: From Crazy to Chill E-book ($19 Value)

- The 3 D's of Dog Training: How to Advance your Obedience E-book ($19 Value)

- Invited to our Facebook Community to learn more and connect with other dog owners in the community ($375 Value)

If we charged individually for everything, you'd pay:

BUT! We are making you a special offer here!

For the next 6 dogs to sign up,
Dog School is only


To get this Special Offer
Fill out the form below and put "Dog School" in the message section, along with all the details about your dog and issues you're having.

Fill out the form for a Free Evaluation

For aggressive, highly reactivity, or highly anxious dogs there may be additional fees. This could be up to $1,500 for liability, more time for training needs, and the additional risk of taking on these cases.
© St. Louis Dog School. All rights reserved.